Medical Community Gives Thanks

Nov 22, 2017 at 09:35 am by Staff

Fraser Cobbe

Orange County Medical Society, Seminole County Medical Society

As communities across the region come together to celebrate this Thanksgiving Holiday and give back to those less fortunate, we would like to take a moment to thank our volunteer physicians, facilities, and staff that contributed to SpecialCare of Central Florida over the past year.

Over the past year, through the generous contributions of 135 physicians, the program logged an impressive 1,770 hours of specialty care, totaling $2.1 million in donated services.

SpecialCare is a partnership between the Orange County Government and the Orange County Medical Society dedicated to providing free specialty care services to residents that do not have health insurance or any other form of assistance. Physicians can volunteer to provide services in the Downtown SpecialCare Clinic or in their private offices. The staff and leadership at SpecialCare work diligently to ensure the volunteer experience is convenient and rewarding.

The Orange County Medical Society is extremely proud of the success of the program and would like to thank those that continue to volunteer their time and talents. There are a large number of residents and families that have directly benefited from your service.

There continues to be a need for more physician volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering your services please contact Lisa Meredith, Program Manager Orange County Secondary Services at

Sections: Independent Physicians